There's always a yarn project running through my head. Sometimes I need to let it out!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter and featuring Wallaby Bag Co

There was a good time had by all on Easter this year.  Little man looked adorable in his sweater vest.

Lots of family and good food.  It was a good day.  But...the weekend was very busy, and there was no knitting to speak of. would be a good day to spotlight an Etsy shop.

Today I'll look at one of my favorites.  This is Wallaby Bag Co.  They make covers for IPads, IPods and Kindles.  I love the fabric that they find to make all of their bags.  For example, this one.

I love this!  Now, I have not yet bought one of these cases.  Notice I say yet.  I can't wait to get my hands on one.  They look really well made and look like they protect your electronics really well.

And there's this one.  This fabric is great!  This is a case that is so unique I know that I would always be asked where I got it.

There's also this one.  I've been looking for a case for my Kindle for a while, now, and I think this may be it...

It's padded, scotch-guarded, made to order AND it's CHEAPER than what I would buy in the store!  Love it.

Please let me know if you have bought from them or if I have inspired you to buy from them in the future.

Now...on to something else.

Happy Monday!

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